Signs It’s Time for an AC Tune-Up

If you own a central air conditioning system, you must conduct regular air conditioner tune-ups to keep your system running smoothly. When you neglect your regular AC maintenance, you may notice your AC stops working effectively! A timely AC tune-up can save you money and the headache of costly repairs.


While you may think it’s a waste of time and effort, a simple tune-up can help you avoid problems and solve common issues before they cause your air conditioner to stop operating entirely. Here are a few indicators that it’s time to call a technician to tune up your system.


5 Signs it’s Time for an AC Tune-Up


If you notice any of these signs, then it’s time for your AC tune-up!


1.   Utility Bills Have Increased


If your utility bills have increased, then your air conditioner is consuming more energy than usual. Poor upkeep is the primary reason your AC needs to work harder than usual. As your system ages, you will also notice a decrease in its efficiency. A simple tune-up can reduce the buildup of dust and dirt that obstructs your system and forces your AC to work harder over time. Tuning up your air conditioner may help you save money on electricity while also extending the life of your system.


2. Unusual Sounds Coming from AC


If your air conditioner is older, you’ve probably become accustomed to the noises it produces when switched on. However, if you hear any sudden strange noises, it’s time to get your air conditioner serviced. Hissing, buzzing, or whistle soundS are examples of typical noises indicating it’s time for service. Get your air conditioner examined as soon as possible to determine the root of the problem and to keep your system working as it should.


3. Mold Growth


If you notice a foul smell, excess moisture, or mold growth, you need to have your system serviced. When this happens, it typically means that your outside compressor is leaking or the drain tube is damaged. Dealing with mold growth quickly is of utmost importance because mold spores can damage your home and be dangerous to your health. A quick tune-up will resolve this issue before you require costly system repairs.


4. Your AC BlowsWarm Air

If your AC blows warm or room temperature air, it’s time for a tune-up. There are several causes for this, all of which require an inspection from a reliable AC company. A tune-up will determine if you need to change your air conditioner coils or air filters, recharge your system, or top off the refrigerant fluid.



5. Your Air Conditioner Is Leaking


Water leaks coming from the air conditioner are a clear indication that it’s time for service. Clogged drainpipes or refrigerant leaks are the most common causes of air conditioner leaks. If you notice leaks around your air conditioner, your need to contact your local AC company immediately before the issue progresses. your refrigerant isn’t working correctly If you need a reliable Pasadena air conditioning service, we’re here to help!


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